
How To Reset Browsers To Default Settings
Resetting a browser often fixes issues, thus you do not have to reinstall it. Moreover, your information like…

What Are Google Input Tools And How To Use Them On Windows
Having to write in another language other than your native tongue? Try out Google Input Tools to assist…

How To Open And Download Magnet Links Using Any Browser
Magnet links can be opened in torrent client software without having to download the actual torrent file. However,…

What Is A CRDOWNLOAD File And How To Open It
A .CRDOWNLOAD file is a temporary file created by Chrome or Edge browsers, which is then automatically removed…

What Are Cookies And How To Clear Them On Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi Web Browsers
Cookies can be used to observe and track your movement, and hack your data on the internet. Learn…

How To Enable Or Disable JavaScript In Browsers (Chrome, Edge Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi)
JavaScript controls how the content of a website behaves. This can be annoying and distracting. Disable JavaScript on…

How To Open PDF Files In Your Preferred Browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi)
You can configure each web browser individually whether to open or download PDF files. Moreover, you can also…

Microsoft Edge 107: New Sidebar, New Policies and Security Updates
Two days after Chrome 107 was released, Microsoft released Edge 107 with some security improvements and enhanced features.…

Download Microsoft Edge 106 Security Baseline
Although security baselines enforce strict security policies, Microsoft feels that no further enforcement is required at the moment.…

Download Microsoft Edge 106 That Rewrites Defender SmartScreen Library
This update addresses 9 Chromium-based security threats and 1 Edge-specific spoofing vulnerability, with the highest threat severity of…