
How To Disable, Remove “Run As Administrator” On Windows
Running scripts and code as administrator can be harmful for your computer, if allowed to the wrong people.…

How To Run Program Without Privilege Elevation And Bypass UAC Prompt
Not all programs have to run with administrative rights. Here are a few methods to run them with…

Check For Listening (Open) Ports With NetStat And PowerShell
Listening ports can be used by hackers to infiltrate your system without authorized access. When not in use,…

How To Disable UAC Remote Restrictions With LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy
LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy disables UAC remote restrictions for local administrators, but leaves your PC vulnerable. Learn when to disable it…

How To Clear Memory Cache On Windows
Often going unnoticed, the memory cache can impact the speed and performance of your computer. Here are some…

How To Fix “Out Of Memory” Error In Adobe Acrobat
Out of Memory error indicates low RAM vacancy. However, the issue can also occur because of other reasons…

How To Reset Audio Settings In Windows
There are multiple audio settings to reset on Windows, and each of them resets a different component. Here…

How To Fix Caps Lock Stuck On And Won’t Turn Off
Are you unable to turn of the Caps lock? Apply these fixes to restore the Caps lock’s functionality.

How To Fix Reversed Caps Lock Functionality
Is your Caps lock disabled and still writing in all caps? If so, its functionality has been reversed.…

2 Ways To Reinstall Microsoft Store On Windows 11
Microsoft Store comes preinstalled in Windows OS, and can therefore not be removed through traditional means. Here are…
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