Web Browsers

Download Google Chrome 115: Replaces Tracking Cookies With Topics API
Google Chrome introduces new features, as well as security improvements to protect your privacy online. Download it today…

Google Chrome 115 Now Available On Early Stable Channel With Reading Mode And Improved Memory Saver
Chrome version 115 includes reading mode, improved memory saver UI, and other new features. If you are part…

Download Mozilla Firefox 115, 115 ESR, 102.13 ESR With Hardware-Level Video Decoding On Linux
Firefox version 115 is the first of its version amongst the popular browsers, like Chrome and Edge. Download…

Google Chrome 114 Released With New Password Manager UI, Popover API
Google Chrome version 114 is now available for all Stable channel users. Check out the improvements and new…

How To Fix “Out Of Memory” Error Code In Google Chrome
This issue is associated with system RAM and often resolved by vacating it. However, that is not always…

Download Mozilla Firefox 113 + 102.11 ESR With Improved Picture-In-Picture & Built-In Password Generator
Mozilla Firefox is one of the most loved web browsers amongst Chrome and Edge. Mozilla releases a Firefox…

Download Microsoft Edge 113 + Security Baseline With Improved Security Modes
If you are using Microsoft Edge, you will automatically get the updated version with Windows Update. Alternatively, you…

Get The Refreshed UI For Google Chrome In 2023
Google is introducing a redesigned UI for Chrome. Get a preview of the new design improvements before everyone…

Disable Displaying Edge Tabs In Alt+Tab Experience
Each Microsoft Edge tab is displayed as a separate window when using the ALT + Tab keys to…

How To Fix “Your IP Has Been Temporarily Blocked” On Any Browser
Your public IP address may be blocked by a server or a website if it detects malicious activity,…