Internet & Web

Tips To Make Internet Download Manager Working Better
Internet Download Manager (IDM) is probably the best download manager used for downloading files quickly. It increases download…

Convert Direct HTTP Links Into Torrents For Easier Downloading
An itechtics user asks; “My Internet connection is unreliable and disconnects frequently. When I want to download any…

How To Convert Your Gmail Account To Email Account
It goes without saying that if you want to use Microsoft Outlook, sign up and create an account…

How To Get A New Blog Indexed In Google In 5 Minutes!
If you have a new blog and want to get indexed in Google instantly, follow the steps in…

Search Anonymously On Google Using Disconnect Search
If you are worried about Google tracking all your searches, you may want to use Disconnect Search which…

Configure Email Accounts With IMAP Protocol
Here is a quick chart of configuration settings for any email client: ProtocolServerPortEncryptionIMAPimap-mail.outlook.com993SSLPOPpop-mail.outlook.com995TLSSMTPsmtp-mail.outlook.com465/587SSL/STARTLS Microsoft has finally enabled…

Browse The Web Together With Online Friends
It is quite difficult to show your friends an element on a webpage exactly as you want it.…