Web Browsers

Download Chrome 80 With Performance Improvements And Support For Same-site Cookies, Silent Notifications And More
Chrome 80 comes with some great performance enhancing features. Get the details of each major feature introduced in…

Chrome Using Too Much CPU? Here Are The Fixes For High CPU Usage
Everything you need to know about why Chrome is so CPU intensive and how to stop Chrome from…

Download Microsoft Edge for Windows 11/10, Windows 7, MacOS, Android And iOS
Download the latest and greatest browser from Microsoft, Edge. We give you all possible links to download any…

How To Use Secure Password Generator In Chrome and Firefox
Password is the most basic security measure by which we can keep our digital life safe. Passwords allow…

Download Google Chrome 79: Real-Time Phishing Protection + Password Warnings
Download or upgrade to Google Chrome 79 now. Chrome 79 comes with exciting new security features like real-time…

Download Firefox 71 Offline Installers
Mozilla has released Firefox 71 as the last stable release of this year, 2019. It is a major…

Download Google Chrome 78: New Tab Customization + Dark Mode For Websites
Google has released Google Chrome 78 for Desktop and mobile. It is now available for Windows, Linux, macOS,…

Download Firefox 70: New Icon, Fresh Look And Better Dark Mode
Mozilla has released Firefox 70 for Desktop, Firefox for Android 68.2 and Firefox ESR 68.2. This release is…

Download Google Chrome 77 With New Customization Features
Google Chrome 77 has just been released and is available for download for all platforms including Windows, Mac,…

5 Ways To Disable Google Software Reporter Tool (software_reporter_tool.exe)
Google’s software reporter tool creating problems for you? We have the best ways to disable or remove the…