Latest in Windows 10

How To Prevent Windows 7/8.1 From Upgrading To Windows 10
Windows 10 is Microsoft’s newest Operating System. It is absolutely important for all users to upgrade to Windows…

Windows 10 Upgrade Notifications Not Showing In Windows 7/8/8.1
Windows 10 RTM has been released recently and is already on its way to success as more and…

How To Create/Delete A Folder Named “Con” In Windows
There are a few differences in Windows and Linux on how they use the names of their system…

Fix CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED With 0x000000ef Error Code
I am running Windows 10 build 10074 on my home computer. Windows 10 has been a good experience…

Fix Error 0xC1900101 – 0x2000C On Windows 8/8.1/10 Update
I recently upgraded my work laptop from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 build 9926. The upgrade went quite smoothly…

Force File Explorer to open to This PC instead of Quick Access
In Windows 10 and Windows 11, File Explorer opens a section called “Quick Access”. This includes your frequently…

Switch Active Windows By Hovering Mouse Cursor On Any Window
If you have many windows open on the Windows Desktop, and you have cascaded your windows across the…

3 Must Have Tools To Fix Most Windows Problems Without Help Of A Techie
Windows is a wonderful Operating System because of its diversity and the no. of available third party software…

3 Ways To Find Unknown Device Drivers In Windows
If you are installing a fresh copy of Windows, among all other essentials, device driver installation is one…

How To Identify Which Programs Are Making Sound In Windows
Yesterday I was sitting in my office doing my work, and suddenly a sound started to come from…