How To Create/Delete A Folder Named “Con” In Windows

How To Create Delete A Folder Named Con In WindowsHow To Create Delete A Folder Named Con In Windows

There are a few differences in Windows and Linux on how they use the names of their system variables. For example, a user in Windows can’t directly create a file or folder named “CON” because it is a system variable used by the system.

Although you can’t create the file, you can move a file named “CON” from the Internet or other media to Windows hard drive. You can also rename a file or folder to CON using ASCII characters. To rename a file/folder to CON, just follow the instructions below:

  1. Right click the file and select rename.
  2. Now, press Alt + 2 + 5 + 5 from the number pad of your computer.
  3. Type CON from the keyboard and press enter.

This will rename the file or folder to CON without any problems. The problem is that you will not be able to delete the file or folder directly using the context menu or the delete key.

To delete this folder, you will need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Open command prompt with administrative privileges
  2. Run the following command:
    rd /s "E:\Users\Usman\Desktop\con"

removing the con directory in Windows

The /s switch will delete the folder con and everything inside it. ? is for telling Windows to stop parsing file names.

You can also use the following command to make a folder named CON using the command line:

md "c:\Users\Usman\Desktop\con"
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  • alex

    idk why its still giving me access is denied btw should I include ‘\\?\’
    when I don’t include it gives me ‘Access is denied’ but I include it it gives me ‘The system cannot find the file specified.’

    what to do pls help me

  • Alex

    I succeed to delete the “CON” folder using this command.
    rd “\\.\c:\documents\con” /S /Q

    of couse replace with your path

  • Chinna

    For me it saying after using above command
    ”access is denied’!.
    An one help me!

  • pleasehelpmeimindireneed

    how do i delete a con folder with stuff in it please help

    • Usman Khurshid
      Usman Khurshid

      You can use the following command:
      rd /s “E:\Users\Usman\Desktop\con”

      Just replace the path with your own path.

      • pleasehelpmeimindireneed

        I tried opening as administrator and it still didnt work same with thing above help i think it was a folder with stuff in it i put in there if that helps.

  • jaavaad

    How can change name nul folder I cant open it I put something in it and now..

  • Percussionking

    This didn’t work for me (2018-03-10 Windows Server 2016), but I shared the root drive with a Linux machine and Linux was able to delete it.

  • cali

    Thank you so mutch i Couldnt delete this Shit for so Long XD but bether type rd /s \\?\”C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\con” if you dont know anything about CMD

    • jeremy

      it worked when i transferred the file to the downloads and did the instructions.

    • AD

      Thanks Mate, It worked for me..

  • sumay

    just great finally I have been able to do this trick..

  • G manikandan
    G manikandan

    thank you sooooo much it worked in my win 10

  • Bob

    thanks, all other solutions i found missed the “/s \\?\” oart of the command

  • Cuba Perpetual
    Cuba Perpetual

    Woah! it worked! thanks!

  • Pawan Pandia
    Pawan Pandia

    Thanks.. its really work

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