Node.Js Lifecycle: End Of Life And Support Status

Last updated on October 25, 2023

Node.js is an open-source programming language or a programming environment, that is used to build high-scale applications that need to handle multiple requests simultaneously. It is also cross-platform, which means it can be used to create applications for multiple platforms without having to create them separately.

Support status guide

End of life (EOL) is the end of a product’s useful life. When a product reaches the end of its life cycle, the manufacturer no longer supports it. The following table explains the different phases of a product’s lifecycle. Testing status is when the product is initially released and EOL is when product support is no longer offered. The time between these two points is the support timeframe.


The software is not yet publicly available. It is in testing phase i.e., alpha, beta, release preview etc.


The software is actively supported by the vendor.

Phasing Out

The software will soon reach its end of life. You need to look for upgrade or migration options. The software will automatically go into phasing out status 2 months before end of life.

End Of Life

The software is no longer supported by the vendor. You need to make sure your system and environment are safe.



Active Support

Security Support

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that is built on Chrome’s v8 JavaScript engine. It is capable of executing the JavaScript code outside of the browser.

Node.js received 2 major updates each year, one is for the regular version and the other is for the Long Term Support (LTS) version. All even-numbered releases are LTS versions, and all the odd-numbered versions are regular releases.

The odd-numbered versions are only supported for 6 months. After the 6 month period, the even-numbered releases are published, which are the LTS versions. Thus, the LTS versions are recommended for general use. However, the 6 month support period for the odd-numbered releases allows the library authors to add support for them.

The LTS versions of Node.js are supported for 1.5 years and then continue to receive security updates for another 1.5 years.